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02/01/2016 | Pressemitteilung

Combining commitment and study: Federal Office "Education through Responsibility" at the University of Kassel

The nationwide university network "Education through Responsibility" based at the University of Kassel now has two permanent employees. Among other things, this is intended to further the spread of the "Service Learning" format in Germany. In these seminars, students can combine commitment to society with academic achievement.

Image: University of Kassel
Benjamin Schäfer and Dr. Imke-Marie Badur.

The office at the University of Kassel was previously run largely on a voluntary basis, but since the beginning of January it has now been staffed with two part-time positions financed by the membership fees of the participating universities. The office coordinates, among other things, the activities of the German universities in the so-called "Service Learning". The teaching method of service learning comes from the USA, but is gradually gaining a foothold in Europe and Germany. The idea is that students learn best by applying theoretical knowledge in practice - and in service learning they combine this practical experience with a service to the community, for example by giving language courses to refugees. Credits are not awarded for the commitment itself, but for the theoretical knowledge acquired and the reflection on the experience. The collaborations with civil society organizations that are necessary for service learning also ensure that teaching, research and practice are more closely related to one another, thus strengthening a transfer of knowledge.


"For the dissemination of this wonderful format, it is excellent news that the office is now on a firm footing with the two part-time positions," said a delighted Dr. Detlev Buchholz, a member of the university network's executive board together with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stark.


The head of the office is Dr. Imke-Marie Badur (42), who has been coordinating "Service Learning" at the University of Kassel since 2011. She is assisted by Benjamin Schäfer (37). The university network "Education through Responsibility" was founded in 2009 and institutionalized as an association in 2015. In the meantime, around 30 universities have joined forces in it, which "want to help shape democracy in a lively way and promote and assume responsibility for society," as it says in its self-portrayal. The network is growing: "Service learning has now outgrown its infancy," reports Badur. "More and more universities in Germany are joining our network, and more and more lecturers at universities are getting involved with service learning seminars." At the University of Kassel, there were more two dozen events in the 2015/2016 winter semester, more than at any other German university.


At the University of Kassel, the spectrum of seminars ranges from building a therapy garden for dementia patients to installing a WLAN in an initial reception center for refugees. "The refugee crisis of recent months in particular has shown how important social engagement is for the successful integration of migrants," says Badur. "Universities can also contribute through service learning here, but of course in many other areas as well. Most importantly, while students gain valuable knowledge for their studies, they can also practice taking responsibility for society at the same time."


Further information:

Photo of a service-learning project (Photo: Andreas Fischer) at:
Photo caption: A result of service-learning: students of Prof. Oliver Vogt (Industrial Design) have developed utensils for a refugee home in Kassel that provide a minimum of privacy. A 1:1 model of a refugee room with eight beds was set up for this purpose at the University of Kassel's School of Art; there, (from left) Nadja Nolte, Carlos Platz and Beat Sandkühler show a bed hood (in the picture on the right), which at least shields the sleepers somewhat, as well as the pictogram for a dormitory that they also developed themselves.


Photo by Dr. Imke-Marie Badur and Benjamin Schäfer (Photo: University of Kassel) at:



Dr. Imke-Marie Badur
Office of the University Network Education through Responsibility e.V.
c/o University of Kassel
Tel.: 0561 804 7469
Email: info[at]netzwerk-bdv[dot]de