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FUSION: More with Less: Ecology

Speaker: Thomas Lützkendorf, KIT Karlsruhe & Markus Lager, Kaden&Lager 

The public lecture series "Fusion" at the University of Kassel, which is dedicated to questions of architecture, urban planning and landscape planning, is focusing on questions of money and capital this semester. The occasion is the 200th birthday of Karl Marx.

In the 200th anniversary year of Karl Marx's birth, capital is still the driving force behind the production of architecture, urban space and landscape, and many of the issues raised by Friedrich Engels in his book "On the Housing Question" are more topical than ever. The "Fusion" series is introduced by a critical perspective on our growth-dominated society. Lectures on architecture pick up on this. They deal with the cost-conscious conversion of existing buildings and how resource efficiency - both monetary and material - can generate more social innovation and sustainability, especially when architects act as project developers.

The lectures on urban planning will discuss large-scale projects, how much capital is required for them and how to obtain it, as well as the effects of land speculation on the housing market, social participation and the right to the city. Landscape planning addresses the concept of ecosystem services. Can nature be made useful - what does the valorization of large protected areas, national parks and biosphere reserves cost and what regional added value do we receive in return?

Time: Every Wednesday at 7 pm.
Venue: New ASL building, Universitätsplatz 9 (access from Gottschalkstraße).

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