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4th Italy Day: Taste Matters: Food and Politics in Italy

Who doesn't think of Italian food, pizza, pasta and gelato when they think of Italy? But food is never just food. From the late medieval banquets with their show dishes to today's state banquets, food turns out to be a highly political affair, and not only there. Gastronomy and culinary arts are embedded as cultural practices in political, social, but also in aesthetic and artistic references. These will be examined with a view to Italy and Italian food and political culture and their interconnections.

The fourth Italy Day at the University of Kassel will bring together lectures by five Italian and German scholars who will address Italian "matters of taste" from philosophical, historical, literary and artistic perspectives. The lectures discuss the art of eating from an aesthetic-theoretical perspective, food in Italian painting, cookbooks and nation-building, the Italianization of international taste, and Italian food in literature and film.



13:00 Introduction

13:20 Prof. Dr. Nicola Perullo (Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo): Cibo, cucina, arte.

14:00-14:30 BREAK

14:30 Dr. Anke Auch (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg): Food and drink keep body and soul together - and the nation.

and soul together - and the nation. Pellegrino Artusi's "La scienza in cucina e l'arte di

mangiar bene" (1891) as a contribution to nation building.

15:10 Sabine Knappe (historian, food journalist) The Italianization of Taste. How the simple pleasure became an international kitchen trend

15:50-16:20 BREAK

16:20 Prof. Dr. Christine Ott (Goethe University Frankfurt): "Spaghetti Eaters" yesterday and today. Literary and cinematic meals in the transculturality debate

17:00 Prof. Dr. Martina Sitt (Kunsthochschule Kassel): "A Remarkable Kitchen" - Examples from Italian Painting of the Early Renaissance

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