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Jornada Internacional - Latin America Week at the University of Kassel

From June 25 to 29, the Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CELA) of the University of Kassel is organizing a Latin America Week together with other institutions. There will be different lectures and a workshop. The Latin America Week will take place at Untere Königsstraße 71.

Renowned scientists from Latin American and German universities will discuss social and ecological inequalities. The thematic range includes reflections on current educational policy challenges, inequality scenarios in socio-ecological conflicts, the literary representation of social inequalities, and feminist postcolonial perspectives.

Participation is free of charge; participants are also welcome to attend individual events.

Conference languages are German and Spanish. For better planning, please register by e-mail at s.mwangi[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

The program of the Latin America Week can be found at




Simone Mwangi
University of Kassel
Department 02 Humanities and Cultural Studies
E-mail: s.mwangi[at]uni-kassel[dot]de