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Lecture series: Family constellations - their dynamics in the development of children and adolescents

Topic on 25.06.: "I don't like people" - From a child treatment; lecture by Dipl.-Psych. Helga Kremp-Ottenheym (Freiburg)

In the diversity of family constructions, the growing up of children and adolescents takes on very different forms. They are reflected in inner representations and models, from which creative coping strategies can emerge as well as clinical abnormalities that point to insufficiently supportive relationship patterns and fierce lines of conflict.

Speakers with different research focuses will introduce discourses on the following questions: What paths and what obstacles do children and adolescents find in the respective areas of tension within families and in confrontation with the socio-cultural environment? What specific questions of identity and loyalty arise, also with regard to gender issues?

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