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Research Assistant (EG 13 TV-H) - Department of Integrated Energy Systems
Application deadline: | 06.09.2018 |
Start of recruitment: | 01.10.2018 |
Reference number: | 31600 |
Applications to: |
The position is initially limited until 31.12.2020 with the possibility of extension for a further 2 years (qualification position according to § 65 HHG in conjunction with § 2 para. 1 sentence 1 WissZeitVG). The possibility of a doctorate is given.
The energy network is becoming a network of information agents.
The energy system is undergoing a change from a centralized to an increasingly decentralized topology, which will be characterized by a large number of individually configured and distributed units. These units include generators, loads, storage systems and grid components. In order to secure the energy supply in the future, energy management and technical processes must be geared towards decentralized market and control mechanisms.
An information technology infrastructure is required that can cope with the complexity of the future decentralized energy system. In particular, the automation of decentralized processes will become increasingly important. We believe that the architecture of such an infrastructure should take the form of an agent-based system that reflects the complexity of the technical-economic system to be controlled.
In the Department of Integrated Energy Systems at the University of Kassel, we are developing a platform for the realistic simulation of the complex interaction between technical and economic processes of generating and transporting electrical energy. This platform provides servers that represent energy markets, transmission and distribution grids, as well as prosumer interfaces to generation and consumption. New components, algorithms and trading strategies are developed and tested on this platform. Further research questions concern market stability, security of supply and user interaction, e.g. how much decentralized self-organization is possible? And how can the stability of the grid be monitored and, if necessary, guaranteed through control interventions? Which solutions are technically and economically viable and feasible?
- Working on your own research projects relating to the design, modeling and exemplary implementation of complex structures in the field of dynamic energy systems
- Development of demonstration networks consisting of representations of energy producers, consumers, storage facilities and exemplary implementation of market and grid operation mechanisms.
- The main teaching tasks are the independent preparation and implementation of exercises and the co-supervision of students (Bachelor's and Master's theses).
We expect a completed scientific university degree in computer science, mathematics, physics or engineering as well as good knowledge of the German energy sector and/or the treatment of complex (adaptive) systems. Furthermore, you are competent in software development as well as in dealing with databases and object-oriented programming, preferably in Java and Python.
Ideally, you have relevant experience in one of the following areas:
Modeling and simulation
We are developing components of a standardized simulation and evaluation platform for smart grid and smart market applications. These components will be combined in a comprehensive, cyber-physical-economic and distributed environment with registrar, markets, weather simulation and grid simulation. The aim is to carry out far-reaching assessments of ICT prototypes based on numerous future scenarios.
Decentralized intelligence
The interaction of various components of the energy system and adaptive data processing are to be researched in order to predict prices, consumption and generation. The focus is on the combined application of centralized and decentralized control mechanisms, knowledge representation, machine learning and the testing of distributed software systems.
Communication protocols
Since it is sometimes difficult for supposedly smart control concepts to work together due to heterogeneous and proprietary data models, we are pursuing the development of general standards and norms to ensure reliable and secure communication between agents and central instances.
Interest in practice-oriented, scientific work, organizational skills and the ability to work in a team, very good written and spoken German and English language skills are also required. Experience in acquiring third-party funding (e.g. BMBF, ERC, private foundations) and experience in supervising students as well as teaching experience round off your profile. You can expect a varied, creative working environment in a committed, harmonious team in a personal, solution-oriented working atmosphere. You will work closely with the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology.
Together with our team, you will develop new processes for the operation and planning of future, automated energy systems and evaluate them in simulation, laboratory and field tests.
We also offer:
- Creative freedom in research and individual development through further qualification
- Conception and acquisition of new projects
- Work-life balance through flexible working hours and support services to reconcile family and career
- Opportunity to teach and
- Possibility of a doctorate or habilitation at the University of Kassel
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Friedrich Krebs, phone: 0561-804-6141, e-mail: fkrebs[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.
The protection of your personal data is important to us, which is why we will handle your personal data with care. If you provide us with your data, you authorize us to store and use it in accordance with the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will then be deleted.
In the interests of equal opportunities, the University of Kassel endeavors to offer women and men the same development opportunities and to counteract existing disadvantages. The aim is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified women are therefore expressly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equal aptitude and qualifications will be given preference. Full-time positions are generally divisible. Please only send us copies of your application documents (no folders), as these cannot be returned after the selection process has been completed; they will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. Applications with informative documents should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, quoting the reference number, also in electronic form.