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Summer workshops 18: non-violent communication in schools and classrooms

The event will take place as part of the Summer Workshops '18.

Is it possible to express openly and sincerely how I (as a teacher, student, ...) feel and what I need without reproaches, criticism or judgments? Is it possible to meet our counterpart (fellow students, colleagues, students, parents, ...) empathetically and appreciatively and to listen to what can be hidden behind accusations, judgments, criticism, reactions, ...?
Based on the theory of non-violent communication (GFK) developed by M. Rosenberg,  will try out how to communicate without violence.

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Full program of summer workshops at:

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Mosenthalstraße 8, R.2033 (SELF.)
Ann-Katrin Kopp (SELF.)

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