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Research Assistant (EG 13 TV-H) - Computational Electronics and Photonics

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - limited-term, part-time (currently 30 hours per week)

deadline for submission:


start of recruitment :


reference number:


applications to:


Part-time with 75.00 percent of the regular working time of a full-time employee. This is a fixed term-position of 2 years with the possibility of extending the contract (§ 2 Abs. 1 WissZeitVG; opportunity for PhD project).



  • we are looking for motivated researchers in the field of quantum information processing. Within the project SMoLBits (scalable molecular quantum bits) we develop integrated platforms for quantum computing and communication within an interdisciplinary team of physicists, chemists and electrical engineers
  • the successful candidate will design a photonic platform for single photon quantum processing. This includes the electromagnetic simulation of cavities, waveguides, and couplers in a photonic crystal architecture. As model, a finite element method will be adapted and extended to capture the relevant mechanisms. Based on the model results, semiconductor based chips will be implemented in close collaboration with the project partners. The partners will provide the technology and the characterization, and we will evaluate the data by simulation studies
  • we offer an attractive position with the possibility to attend international conferences, publish in scientific journals, and participate in project management and teaching activities. Our research partners in industry and academia enable the candidate to build an extensive network, and we have access to latest technologies and devices



  • Master or Diploma in physics, mathematics or electrical engineering
  • Knowledge in electromagnetic theory, quantum physics, numerical modeling, and software development
  • the position qualifies for obtaining a PhD



  • Knowledge in electromagnetic theory, semiconductors, numerical modeling, and software development


For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Witzigmann, Tel.: 0561-804-6543, E-Mail: Bernd.Witzigmann[at]uni-kassel[dot]deis at your disposal.


The protection of your personal data is very important to us, so we will handle your personal data with care. By your application, you allow us to store and use your data in the sense of the Hessian Data Protection Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will be deleted.



In terms of equal opportunities, the University of Kassel endeavors to offer women and men the same development opportunities and to counteract existing disadvantages. The aim is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified women are therefore expressly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled applicants with the same aptitude and qualifications are given preference. Full-time positions are generally divisible. Please submit only copies of your application documents (no folders), as these cannot be returned after the selection process has been completed; they will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. Applications with meaningful documents should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, stating the reference number and also in electronic form.