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Learning sustainability - New project studies on the topic of "sustainable university"

In the Graduate Center's project studies, groups of students work together with lecturers on projects relating to sustainability and the environment. The topics are diverse. In the "Sustainability on the table" project, students learn how to handle food in a way that conserves ecological resources. The "Solarcampus" project provides the necessary knowledge to develop energy-saving concepts.
The project courses can be taken for one study project or several semesters. Participants can also add credit points and grades to their curriculum. In addition, the project will count towards the Environmental Knowledge certificate program and the Environmental Law certificate.
The Graduate Center is offering a total of six project studies in the 2018/19 winter semester. Two of these are new additions:
"Social sculpture: acting responsibly and shaping society sustainably", Institute for Protestant Theology, Dr. Gudrun Spahn-Skrotzki
"Solarcampus - Project studies on energy efficiency", Prof. Dr. Klaus Vajen and Prof. Dr.-Ing.
"The university as an organizer: ecological, economical and fair", Department of Sustainable Management, Miriam Catheret and Kristina Kruber
"University, how sustainable are you really? Part III - Model development for establishing student participation in the environmental and sustainability sector", Center for Environmental Systems Research, Nadine Chrubasik
New offers:
"Sustainability on the table", Department of Economics with a focus on decentralized energy management, Dr.-Ing.
"Do digital games have the potential to trigger targeted changes in behavior?-A case study on eating habits", Department of Microsociology, Institute of Empirical Economic Research, Dr. Anja Köbrich Leōn and Dr. Janosch Schobin
Further information on registration, registration deadlines and the content of the courses here:
Nadine Chrubasik
University of Kassel
Graduate Center for Environmental Research and Teaching
Email: gradZ[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Phone: +49 561 804-6138