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This is how Kassel sees the future of work - Closing event with exhibition
In the photo competition held in advance, the aim was to find out people's views on new career opportunities, the development of the world of work, the impact of digital change, and much more. The exhibition of entries to the photo competition, with the motto "Your view of the future of work in 2070," has already opened at the Museum of Technology in Kassel. Online voting for the audience award, which will be presented alongside the other prizes on October 18, is already underway:
Keynote speeches: Andreas Rothenhäusler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Dr. Verena Liszt-Rohlf (University of Kassel)
Panel discussion with Mayor Ilona Friedrich, Harald Wersich (UmweltHaus Kassel e.V. & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V.), Ute Wienkamp (Soziale Hilfe e.V.), Stefan Lange (GF Lange GmbH & Co KG; IHK) and Daniel Krause (media designer)