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Lecture: Family-historical, biographical and group-dynamic perspective on extreme rights
In this lecture, the causes of right-wing manifestations will be discussed. Here, a constellation of causes can be described that results from a de-thematized family history, difficult biographical experiences and a supporting social framing. This social framing is spelled out in particular with regard to rural areas. In a further step, the educational behavior of extreme right-wing settler families as specifics of extreme right-wing manifestations in rural areas will be dealt with and, finally, approaches for dealing with this topic will be pointed out.
Speaker Prof. Dr. Michaela Köttig is professor at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and researches, among other things, the field of girls/women and right-wing extremism.
Series of events: Heimat, Volk und Scholle - Rechts(d)ruck im ländlichen Raum