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Info event: "Men do elementary school

A free info event for all interested parties

"Männer machen Grundschule" is a project of the Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Kassel. With this initiative, we would like to draw attention to the fact that currently very few men teach at elementary schools. Our goal is to look for approaches that make the profession more attractive for men.
Through this project, prospective students, students, teachers in the department, and other stakeholders from academia and practice will engage in conversation about teacher training and the teaching profession. In this way, the widespread stereotypical prejudices against male elementary school teachers can be countered with the incentives and actual requirements of the profession.
After all, being an elementary school teacher is anything but undemanding - on the contrary, it is a job for creative all-rounders with strong personalities and high  leadership skills. In addition, it is a secure and financially attractive job with high chances of employment in the future. Whether interested in studying or already studying, you are welcome to participate in our project and find out more.

"Männer machen Grundschule" Homepage: