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W 3 - Professorship "Organic Agriculture and Plant Production" - in the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences

We are looking for a scientifically outstanding person who represents the field of "Organic Agriculture and Plant Production" with a focus on temperate climate zones in research and teaching and thus makes important contributions to the further development of the profile of organic agricultural sciences.

Application deadline:


Hiring start date:


Reader Service Code:


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In research and teaching, questions of organic agriculture and crop production based on natural science, production science and agroecological principles in farm systems with and without animal husbandry are to be addressed holistically. This will be done through experimental research approaches with a focus on field experimentation and a connectivity to modeling approaches, leading to the development of innovative sustainable cropping systems. A willingness to incorporate systemic approaches along value chains and to participate in and initiate interdisciplinary collaborations is required.


The future position holder is expected to be committed to developing and teaching innovative modules in the German-language BSc or MSc programs "Organic Agriculture" as well as in the English-language MSc program "Sustainable International Agriculture". This includes the basics of planning, development and evaluation of farming systems in organic farms as well as advanced topics such as soil fertility, environmental impacts of organic farming and the combination of organic farming and nature conservation.


Applicants have a post-doctoral degree or habilitation equivalent with a focus on organic agriculture and crop production or related scientific fields. They must have a proven track record in the field of agricultural and crop production systems and systems approaches to the analysis and development of innovative sustainable cropping systems through relevant peer-reviewed publications and the successful acquisition of research funding, as well as demonstrate didactic competence. Publications must also demonstrate the ability to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation. It is desirable that issues related to organic vegetable production are also addressed. Knowledge transfer and policy advice should complement the profile of the professorship. It is envisaged that the professor will play a significant role in shaping and, if necessary, taking over the scientific management of the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen, including the experimental station there.


The conditions of employment and the performance requirements according to §§ 61, 62 of the Hessian University Law apply. Participation in the self-administration of the university is expected.


For further inquiries, please contact Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh (Tel.: 05542/98-1562, e-mail: mfinckh[at]uni-kassel[dot]de).


The University of Kassel is highly interested in the professional satisfaction of its employees. It therefore promotes the compatibility of partnership and family with professional development through its Dual Career Service and its Family Welcome Service. One of the University of Kassel's strategic goals is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. Severely disabled applicants will be given preference if they are equally qualified and qualified. Applications should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, quoting the reference number and also in electronic form.