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Colloquium on the topic: "Literature and persecution: Anti-Semitism in the 20th and 21st Centuries"
The Institute of German Studies invites you to a one-day colloquium at the Breitenau Memorial on the topic of 'Anti-Semitism', Saturday, November 24, 10 am - 6 pm. All are welcome to attend academic lectures and a panel discussion on the current situation!
- 10.00-10.20 a.m.: Introduction
- 10.20-11.00 a.m.: Prof. Dr. Paola Paumgardhen (Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa Napoli): "Wandering is not a curse, but a blessing". Joseph Roth's literary confrontation with Zionism
- 11.00-11.40 a.m.: Prof. Dr. Christine Pflüger (University of Kassel): Anti-Semitic Persecution and Resistance: Hélène Berr and Herbert Herz
- 11.40-12.10: Break
- 12.10-12.50 p.m.: Prof. Dr. Sascha Feuchert (Justus Liebig University Giessen): Konrad Heiden's "One Night in November 1938" - a (literary) reportage against state anti-Semitism
- 12.50-13.30: Christine Ansari (University of Kassel): Between tradition and change - on the reshaping of the publishing landscape in post-war Germany
- 13.30-14.30: Break
- 14.30-15.10: Prof. Dr. Georg-Michael Schulz (University of Kassel): George Tabori and the Shoah
- 15.10-15.50: Manuel Pelz (University of Kassel): Jewish life in the present
- 15.50-16.15: Break
- 16.15-17.45: Panel discussion 'Anti-Semitism today' with: Ilana Katz (Sara Nussbaum Center Kassel), Eva Schulz-Jander (former chairwoman of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation Kassel), Manuel Pelz (University of Kassel), Prof. Dr. Ditfried Krause-Vilmar (University of Kassel).
All interested parties are cordially invited to the colloquium. Admission is free.
Further information at: