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Lecture: "The Sons and Daughters of the Taiga: On the Ethnic Esotericism of the Anastasia Movement."

Series of events: "Heimat, Volk, Scholle - legal pressure in rural areas"

A new phenomenon has emerged in Germany in recent years: Followers of the "Anastasía movement" are trying to set up so-called "family estates" in order to practice subsistence farming. They refer to the spiritual kitsch novel series by Russian author Megré, which tells the story of the main character Anastasía, who communicates with animals and possesses a healing ray. In addition to esoteric content, there are conspiracy ideology, historical revisionist, anti-Semitic and anti-feminist statements. It is therefore not surprising that actors from the nationalist scene in the "Anastasía movement" live out the settlement idea in an extreme right-wing way. Locally, neighbors, educational institutions, associations, ecological and agricultural initiatives are confronted with Anastasía supporters.

What can civil society do to counter ethnic settlement movements? Marius Hellwig works as a consultant for ethnic  right-wing extremism in rural areas at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation's Gender, Group-Focused Enmity and Right-Wing Extremism Unit.


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