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Experience (inter-)national practice? Experiences in the Master's program in Cultural Studies
Here you can gain an insight into possible occupational fields that could await you after graduation.
Where can we as cultural economists find a job later?
Where do our competencies lie?
How do we stand out?
How do we find the right internship?
Or where can we go for a possible internship?
The event offers helpful tips!
In three interesting presentations, current Cultural Studies students will tell you about their experiences of their recent internships in Germany (Volkswagen AG, Baunatal), China (E. Oppermann AG, Shanghai) and in Spain (Emagister, Barcelona). In addition, we have invited experts from the professional world, Mr. Stephan Groth (from Volkswagen AG) and Mr. Thomas Degener (meanwhile lecturer of the department 07 at the University of Kassel), who will explain possible fields of work in more detail, tell you about their intercultural experiences and, for example, give you tips on how to apply for a job.
Apart from that, Jasmin Langkavel, graduate of the Master's program in Business Spanish, will also give a short presentation and talk about her professional experiences and her way into working life after graduation.
Last but not least, a guest presentation by the International Office will also be part of the event to provide helpful tips on finding an international internship!
When? December 12, 2018 from 09:00 - 13:00
Where? Kurt-Wolters- Straße 5 in room 4048.
Registration by mail is requested by 10.12.2018: ramona.mueller.ks[at]gmx[dot]de