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soundcheck in the Eulensaal 74: "Art and everyday life. Translated realities"
With Duchamp's readymades, everyday life broke into art, with random timing that also shaped his Erratum musicale. Slips of paper for all the keys of the piano at home, pulled out of a hat by his sisters, resulted in a special kind of 12-tone piece in their timing. - It was no coincidence that Duchamp met John Cage 30 years later. Both discovered their sympathy for chance, chess, silence and - perhaps most importantly - the border areas of experience in optical, tactile and acoustic space. - Role models for many ambitions, they also remained reference figures for decisive innovations in sounding or noisy, haptic or optical arts.
Performers: Ensemble This/Ensemble That (percussionist ensemble from Basel; members: Brian Archinal, Victor Barcelo, Miguel Ángel García Martín, Stanislas Pili (guest))
Essay: Prof. Dr. Ursula Panhans-Bühler
Compositions by Michael Maierhof:
specific objects for 4 percussionists
splitting 41 for one percussionist
splitting 34.1 for video
specific objects for 3 players
shopping 4 for 3 players
Venue: Concert Hall of the Institute of Music, Mönchebergstraße 1, 34125 Kassel
Tickets: 12,- Euro, reduced 7,- Euro
Box office: 1 hour before the start of the event
Free choice of seats