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Panel Discussion: "Pressure from the Right on Agricultural Associations - Panel Discussion on Right-Wing Influence on Organic Farming and Rural Agriculture".

Event in the framework of the series "Heimat, Volk, Scholle - Rechts(d)ruck im ländlichen Raum" (Homeland, People, Countryside - Right-Wing Attitudes in Rural Areas)

We would like to take a closer look at the problem of right-wing attitudes in rural and ecological agriculture. For this purpose we invite representatives of relevant associations. We would like to show the affectedness by right-wing influence and discuss approaches how to react to right-wing members in the associations. In general, we would like to exchange ideas on how democracy-promoting measures in rural areas can be developed with and by the associations

  • Jan Leifert, Bioland e.V., regional manager NRW
  • Antje Kölling, Demeter registered association, department chief politics & public work
  • Georg Janßen, Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) e.V., Federal Director
  • Barbara Graf, Network Solidarity Agriculture e.V.
  • Erich Schaumburg, Member of the Presidium of the Hessian Farmers' Association e.V.

Moderation: Dr. Franziska Schmidtke, Center of Competence for Right-Wing Extremism University of Jena


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