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Romanesque quartet: "Vernon Subutex"

The Romanisches Quartett presents and discusses "Vernon Subutex" by Virgine Despentes on Tuesday, February 5, at 7:30 pm at Café Buch-Oase. Admission is free.

Virginie Despentes is without doubt one of the most dazzling authors in contemporary French literature. Her novels are set in milieus in which she herself was at home for a long time: punk, prostitution, drugs, crime. Her view of contemporary society is correspondingly brutal, but also illuminating: her hero Vernon Subutex, for many years the successful owner of the record store Le Revolver, has to give up his business as a result of the shift in music consumption from vinyl to net streaming in the 2000s. He quickly lost his apartment along with his income and sought shelter with his former companions. However, wherever he goes, there is little left of the coolness of earlier days.


In discussion:

  • Prof. Dr. Christine Pflüger (Didactics of History)
  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Requate (History of Western Europe)
  • Prof. Dr. Franziska Sick (Romance Literary Studies)
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Witthaus (Romance Literary Studies)

The "Romance Quartet" is an open  interdisciplinary discussion group,  which offers the opportunity to get to know books from France or  about France and other Romance countries and thus learn something about society, culture and politics. The quartet members are academics from the University of Kassel and present the works selected for their particular current relevance from their four different disciplinary perspectives (history, literature, history didactics, social sciences) and discuss them with interested parties.


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