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Info event: Career Mentoring DIVERS 2019-2020
An information event on career mentoring DIVERS for the 2019-2020 program year will be held on Thursday, March 14, from 4-6 p.m. Applications can be submitted from now until March 31. Further information in the flyer.
What does Career Mentoring DIVERS stand for?
Career Mentoring DIVERS is a program of the University of Kassel for female* students and doctoral candidates*, which offers support in career orientation, career entry and entry into science. The focus of our activities is on the Kassel region. Career Mentoring DIVERS also stands in particular for the promotion of diversity among the program participants. On the one hand, this means that we specifically support structurally disadvantaged women* in the development of concrete career steps and at the same time support students and doctoral candidates who want to work and/or research on the topic of diversity or are already doing so. The focus of support for all mentees is on career advancement in the transition phases between studies and career, studies and doctorate, and doctorate and career. We pursue the goal of supporting all program participants* in such a way that they can take up a professional activity that corresponds to their qualifications. This is achieved both through advice in a tandem with a woman with professional experience (mentor) - the heart of the program - and through participation in workshops for further qualification as well as through networking among the mentees and within the mentoring network.
Target group- Who can apply:
Ø The program is explicitly aimed at all people who define themselves as women as well as those who do not assignthemselves toany gender .
Ø Diversity is part of your personal biography and/or you are committed to diversity and to reducing prejudice and discrimination on campus and in your personal environment.
Ø You are at the end of your Bachelor's degree, studying for a Master's degree or doing a doctorate.
Ø You have the time resources to actively participate in a one-year program.
Ø You are interested in personal development as well as in exchanging ideas and working with other mentees.
Ø You are looking for support with career orientation and the transition to a career.
Important: At the time of application, you must have a connection to the University of Kassel (enrollment as a student/doctoral candidate or doctoral supervision at the University of Kassel). Interested women* who complete their studies or doctorate during the mentoring year can also apply.
Important dates
Ø Information event: March 14, 2019, 16:00-18:00, International House. Registration is not necessary. Interested students and doctoral candidates who are unable to attend the information event will also be advised in person at the Women's and Equal Opportunities Office. Please write to mentoring-divers[at]uni-kassel[dot]de and make an appointment.
Ø Application deadline:March 31, 2019
Ø Kick-off event for the new round May 28, 2019, 16:00-20:00, Gießhaus - all important information about the application and the required documents can be found here: