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New Cycling Concepts - Project Study "Teaching for a Sustainable University

Campus news from 02.04.2019: The Department of Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel offers the new project study "Teaching for a Sustainable University" with a new offer: "FahrRadHäuser - Die Rückeroberung des Campus und der Stadt Kassel". The project takes up the current topic of sustainable (bicycle) mobility and will be offered for the first time in the summer semester 2019 jointly by five departments at the Department of Architecture, Urban and Landscape Planning. The goal is to develop innovative strategies for bicycle traffic in order to demonstrate the potentials of climate-neutral bicycle mobility for the university and city, especially for the location of the University of Kassel. The offer is designed as an interdisciplinary project at the FB 06, but is also aimed at students of all disciplines, especially engineering.

Image: Studio Blafield

For the summer semester 2019, a total of five interdisciplinary projects will be offered as part of "Teaching for a Sustainable University":

  1. "FahrRadHäuser - Die Rückeroberung des Campuses und der Stadt Kassel", Department of Experimental Design and Construction and other departments, Prof. Dr. Stepper and Dr. Timo Carl.
  2. "Fridays For Future - and what about the rest of the week? Possibilities of knowledge transfer and empowerment in school contexts by universities using the example of the climate protection movement". Center for Environmental Systems Research, Institute of Psychology, Dr. Marit List, Daria Mundt and Rosalio Ochoa Saavedra and Ulrich Neumann.
  3. "Living and Experiencing Sustainability. Confronting one's own lifestyle," Institute of Protestant Theology, Dr. Gudrun Spahn-Skrotzki and Prof. Dr. Shelley Sacks, (Oxford).
  4. "The university as an organizer - ecological, economical and fair", Department of Sustainable Management, Miriam Cartheret and Kristina Gruber
  5. "Solarcampus - Project Studies on Energy Efficiency," Department of Solar and Systems Engineering, Department of Economics with a focus on decentralized energy economics, Prof. Dr. Klaus Vajen and Prof. Dr. Heike Wetzel.

Students can take the study projects for one or more semesters. In addition, the projects count towards the additive key competencies, the certificate program UmweltWissen and the environmental law certificate. More information on registration, registration deadlines and project descriptions:

By Nadine Chrubasik.



Nadine Chrubasik
University of Kassel
Office of Environmental Profile Development
Graduate Center for Environmental Research and Teaching
umwelt[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, gradZ[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, Tel: +49 561 804-2249/6138