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Panel discussion: Good work at the university - an issue for the city of Kassel?


  • Sophie Eltzner (B'90/Die Grünen Kassel)
  • Rainer Hanemann (SPD Kassel)
  • Mirko Düsterdieck (Kassel Left Party)
  • Christian Möllmann (University of Kassel Unlimited)
  • Anne Engelhardt (Moderation)

Beyond university self-administration, university policy is usually seen as a state or federal task. But does it also take on a local political dimension, especially with regard to employment problems such as the temporary nature of employment contracts? What is the position of political parties represented in Kassel's city council on the problem of fixed-term contracts and the proposed solutions currently under discussion, which are coming to the attention of the municipal public not only at the national and state level, but also at the level of the universities themselves - and in Kassel in particular? What conclusions can be drawn from this for the municipal political agenda?

The event will provide space to discuss these questions and at the same time aims to create a forum for debate on how to achieve good working conditions at our university.


All interested parties are cordially invited!

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