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Research colloquium: Academic success and dropout among international students in Germany: An interdisciplinary approach

Academic success and dropout among international students in Germany: An interdisciplinary approach

Dr. Jesús Pineda (DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service (Research and Studies Division), Bonn)

In 2017, more than 350,000 foreign students were studying in Germany - the federal and state governments' mobility target, which was not set to be reached until 2020, was therefore achieved ahead of schedule. According to estimates by the German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), many international students still drop out of their studies in Germany (45% of international students on Bachelor's courses and 29% on Master's courses). International students dropping out is not only a challenge for universities, but also for higher education research, as the causes are still largely unknown. In the BMBF-funded project "Study success and dropout among foreign students in Germany in Bachelor's and Master's studies" (SeSaBa), the DAAD, the FernUniversität in Hagen and the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning (IHF) are jointly analyzing the specific study situation of international students in Germany using a study progress panel and various qualitative methods. After a brief introduction to the conception and implementation of the project, the lecture will present the first interim results of the study. One focus will be on the complexity of conducting a collaborative project consisting of heterogeneous research teams.

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