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Lecture: 'Life Gaming Roleplay' on the streaming platform Twitch using the example of GTA5

Lecture as part of the lecture series: Verspielte Realität. Interdisciplinary approaches to video games

Speakers: Katharina Zindel and Sergej Bekauv

Computer games have become an integral part of everyday life. As part of media culture, they accompany people of all ages and social groups. New releases in the games industry have long been discussed in the feature pages of major German newspapers and the games industry generates billions in revenue.
An interdisciplinary research community has formed within the German research landscape, which brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines under the umbrella term of game studies. The lecture series looks at interdisciplinary approaches to video games from a humanities, linguistic, literary and didactic perspective. Every week, researchers from different disciplines present a thematic focus against the background of their respective theoretical orientation. Following the lectures, there is the opportunity to try out what has been learned using a specific example or to discuss it in more depth.

The lecture series takes place on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm.


Complete program at:

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