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Research Assistant (m/f/d), EG 13 TV-H - in the Department of Information Systems and Systems Development

Department of Economics, Institute of Business Administration - Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner - temporary, full-time (currently 40 hours per week)

Application deadline:


Start of recruitment:

at the earliest possible date

Reference number:


Applications to:


The position is initially limited to 3 years (qualification position according to § 65 HHG in conjunction with § 2 para. 1 sentence 1 WissZeitVG). The possibility of a doctorate is given and is actively encouraged by the head of department.


On August 1, 2019, I will start my new position at the University of Kassel and am looking for two motivated employees who would like to support me in building up the department and do their doctorate on current topics in business informatics. You should be enthusiastic about conducting relevant and high-quality research in the fields of "Trust or distrust in technology (e.g. AI or blockchain)", "Digital innovations in learning (e.g. IT-supported individualization of learning processes)" or "Design of human-AI collaboration (e.g. in learning or design thinking)" and have an interest in helping to shape a young field.


I offer you:

  • Collaboration with renowned research institutions, organizations and companies
  • The opportunity to do a doctorate in one of the above-mentioned subject areas
  • Intensive doctoral supervision and the opportunity to discuss your research with renowned colleagues at conferences around the world
  • Research and work in a young, dynamic team with a pleasant working atmosphere
  • Diverse personal development opportunities
  • Early assumption of responsibility and the opportunity to help build and shape a young specialist field


I expect you to have

  • A university degree with good or very good grades in economics / business administration / business informatics or related subjects
  • Enthusiasm for high-quality research and ideally already some experience in behavioral or design-oriented research methods
  • Strong social and communication skills, initiative, high sense of responsibility, ability to work in a team and very good organizational skills
  • Support in teaching in the department and assumption of departmental tasks
  • Openness to working in interdisciplinary projects and willingness to cooperate nationally and internationally with partners in science and practice
  • Very good knowledge of German and English


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner, e-mail: soellner[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.


The protection of your personal data is important to us, which is why we will handle your personal data with care. If you provide us with your data, you authorize us to store and use it in accordance with the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will then be deleted. Information in accordance with Art. 13 GDPR for the application procedure at the University of Kassel can be found at



In the interests of equal opportunities, the University of Kassel strives to offer women and men the same development opportunities and to counteract existing disadvantages. The aim is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified women are therefore expressly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equal aptitude and qualifications will be given preference. Full-time positions are generally divisible. Please only send us copies of your application documents (no folders), as these cannot be returned after the selection process has been completed; they will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. Applications with informative documents should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, stating the reference number in the subject line, also in electronic form.