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Getting Your Assumptions Right
After TROPENTAG 2019 ends at University of Kassel, Dr. Tony Rinaudo, agronomist form Australia will also visit the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences and speak about his innovative concept to re-green degraded lands.
Dr. Tony Rinaudo is a Natural Resources Management Specialist and agronomist who has worked for World Vision for a number of years. Tony's achievements in developing and promoting agricultural-forestry-pastoral systems are manifold and well-known. Over 25 years ago, with the help of local farmers in Niger, Tony began implementing a conservation farming system which we know as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). This approach has been so successful that it has been applied in at least 24 African countries. His successful work across Asia and Africa during more than 35 years has been prized with several international awards, the most recent being the 2018 Right Livelihood Award, also known as the 'Alternative Nobel Prize'.
Translations by Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert. All interested persons are cordially invited to listen and discuss implications arising from this topic and activities.