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Bad Sooden- Allendorf: Grenzmuseum / Border Museum, 09.11.2019

Number of participants / Participants: 20

Costs / costs: 10 €

period / time frame: 12 - 7 pm / 12 am - 7 pm

contact persons / contact persons: Adem & Stefan


The Border Museum Schifflersgrund is located on the former border strip of the former inner-German border between the towns of Bad Sooden- Allendorf and Sickenberg and commemorates the division of Germany into the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. It was the first border museum in the reunified Federal Republic and was opened on the 1st anniversary of reunification. The aim is to conserve some historically significant remains of the former border, to make them accessible to posterity and to make the history of the German division comprehensible and furthermore to show the regional aspects of this division. Together we will explore Bad Sooden- Allendorf and the border museum.


The Schifflersgrund Border Museum is located on the former border strip of the former inner-German border between the towns of Bad Sooden-Allendorf and Sickenberg and recalls the division of Germany into the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. It was the first border museum in the reunited Federal Republic and was opened on the 1st anniversary of reunification. The aim is to conserve some historically significant remains of the former border, make them accessible to posterity and the history of German division comprehensible, and also to show the regional aspects of this division. Together we will explore Bad Sooden Allendorf and the border museum.

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