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Technology day
Under the motto "Project Future", the University of Kassel has organized the Technology Day every year since 2004. Interested students gain first-hand insights into different engineering professions. In a varied program, the participants visit various companies and learn about the everyday work of an engineer. At the University of Kassel, they are given access to laboratories and workplaces. There, experts present their subject-specific equipment and give an outlook on current research topics.
The aim of the event is to provide an overview of the diversity of engineering professions. When registering, participants can indicate a preference for which of the following disciplines they would like to gain deeper insights into during the guided tours.
- Mechanical engineering, automotive engineering
- Electrical engineering, computer science
- Civil engineering, environmental engineering
- Natural and nanostructure sciences
The Day of Technology is primarily aimed at high school students who are interested in a STEM course of study, but it is also open to all other technology enthusiasts aged 14 and over who would like to find out about career prospects in this field.