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Information event Mentoring for women in science and business

An information event on the offers of Mentoring Hessen will be held at the University of Kassel:  Tuesday, November 19, 2019, Senatssaal, Mönchebergstr. 3 (3rd floor) for ProCareer.Doc and ProAcademia, 4:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. and for ProProfessorship 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The Mentoring Hessen program consists of mentoring, training, and networking and is aimed at women in the transitional phases from university to professorship or to a leadership position in science or business. Mentoring Hessen is a joint project of the Hessian universities and cooperates closely with companies and non-university research institutions. Accompanying the mentoring funding lines are workshops and networking events that promote personal development and decision-making in the face of diverse career options.

ProCareer.MINT is aimed at female students of STEM subjects in the career orientation and decision-making phase. ProCareer.Doc supports female doctoral students and early postdoctoral researchers in all subjects in career orientation. ProAcademia is aimed at early postdocs and advanced doctoral students in all subjects who wish to pursue a career in science. ProProfessorship is the funding line for female scientists in immediate transition to a professorship.  

The application deadline for ProCareer.MINT, ProCareer.Doc and ProAcademia is December 1, for ProProfessur January 15.

Contact person at the University of Kassel:

Angelika Flörke
Women's and Equal Opportunity Office
+49561 8043469

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