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Research assistant (m/f/d), EG 13 TV-H - in the Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Resources

Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Ecological Agricultural Sciences - Prof. Dr. Wachendorf - subject to approval - temporary, part-time (currently 26 hours per week)

Application deadline:


Start of recruitment:

as soon as possible

Reference number:


Applications to:


Part-time with 65.00 percent of the regular working hours of a full-time employee.

The position is initially limited for 3 years to work on the EIP project CAREFUL: "Residue Biomass to (Activated) Carbon: Prevent Foot Pad Lesions in Poultry Husbandry" in accordance with § 2 para. 2 WissZeitVG. The possibility of a doctorate is given.



  • Chemical-physical characterization of the plant and activated carbons produced and the bedding materials developed from them, such as water absorption and release capacity, abrasion resistance and adsorption capacity
  • Carrying out semi-technical tests on the suitability of biochar and activated carbon as a litter additive for practical trials
  • Investigation of the effects of the use of biochar and activated carbon as a litter additive on organic chicken farms with regard to the effects on the climate in the house and animal health
  • Independent cooperation with scientific and agricultural project partners
  • Independent data evaluation and interpretation
  • Preparation of scientific publications in international journals
  • Presentation of results at scientific conferences
  • Integration of project content into existing and planned courses



  • Above-average academic degree (MSc or Diplom II) in agricultural sciences or related fields
  • Proven ability to carry out independent scientific work, in particular in the implementation and evaluation of laboratory experiments, agricultural projects, experiments with crops and/or livestock
  • Experience in dealing with farm animals and recording animal-related welfare indicators desirable
  • Experience in dealing with extensive data sets - good knowledge of statistical methods of data evaluation
  • Open-mindedness and creativity with regard to cooperation in the overall project - Ability to work in a team
  • Very good written and spoken German


Advantageous are:

  • Previous experience in working on interdisciplinary research projects
  • Good written and spoken English skills
  • Thorough and independent working methods
  • A high degree of organizational skills
  • Experience in data preparation for scientific publications


If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Wachendorf, phone: 0561-804-1334, e-mail: mwach[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.


The protection of your personal data is important to us, which is why we will handle your personal data with care. If you provide us with your data, you authorize us to store and use it in accordance with the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will then be deleted. Information in accordance with Art. 13 GDPR for the application procedure at the University of Kassel can be found at


In the interests of equal opportunities, the University of Kassel strives to offer women and men the same development opportunities and to counteract existing disadvantages. The aim is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified women are therefore expressly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equal aptitude and qualifications will be given preference. Full-time positions are generally divisible. Please only send us copies of your application documents (no folders), as these cannot be returned after the selection process has been completed; they will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations. Applications with informative documents should be sent to the President of the University of Kassel, 34109 Kassel or bewerbungen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, stating the reference number in the subject line, also in electronic form.