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Presentation of the sponsorship award of the North Hessian construction industry

The award is sponsored by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stufenausbildung (Bau) Kassel - ASK and is endowed with a total of 3000 euros. It is awarded in cooperation with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel once a year in a public ceremony to students of the department for outstanding final theses. The selection criterion is that the work to be awarded makes a contribution to solving significant problems in engineering practice, taking into account cost-effective planning, design and construction.


The ceremony will take place on January 28, 2020 at 5:30 pm in a festive setting in the university's Gießhaus. The evening will be hosted by Prof. Bernhard Middendorf, Dean of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The prize will be awarded by the two ASK board members Thilko Gerke and Dr. Burkhard Siebert. Frank Junker, Chairman of the Management Board of ABG Frankfurt Holding Wohnungsbau- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, will give the keynote speech on the topic of "Housing construction as an interdisciplinary approach - innovative solutions for current and future challenges".

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