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10/02/2020 | Campus-Meldung

University research, what else? Looking back on a scientist's life

Talks with Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott

Image: INCHER-Kassel.
Ulrich Teichler.

Anyone involved in German and European higher education research cannot avoid the name Ulrich Teichler. He has spent a lifetime of scholarship shaping higher education research, was founding director and for many years director of the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER-Kassel) at the University of Kassel, and is a globally sought-after expert - even seven years after his retirement, his expertise continues to be in demand nationally and internationally.

In the just-published volume, Ulrich Teichler looks back on more than five decades of higher education research. The volume is based on interviews conducted with Ulrich Teichler by Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott. In casual conversation, topics such as research strategies, management challenges, and "the elephants of higher education research" are addressed. Thus, the development of higher education research in Germany is outlined just as aptly as the conjunctures of its research field. Historical upheavals in higher education, politics and society are narrated by Ulrich Teichler from the perspective of contemporary witnesses and - this is his great strength - analyzed at the same time. Typical Ulrich Teichler: amusing, complex, surprising.
"University Research, What Else? Rückblick auf ein Wissenschaftlerleben" is published by Budrich-Verlag, and available in bookstores from 5.10.2020
(ISBN: 978-3-96665-023-6)
Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Budrich Academic Press 2020