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Best Paper Award for the subject area Quality and Process Management
Scientists from all over Germany exchanged ideas on the leading topic of this year's GQW conference "Quality Management in the 20s - Trends and Perspectives". Under the direction of Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, the conference took place virtually due to Corona protection measures. However, this did not detract from the professional exchange.
In addition to the presentation and discussion of research results and practical experiences in the field of quality science, all scientific publications are subjected to a review process at the GQW conference in the sense of good quality. The best publication is awarded the Best Paper Award every year.
This year, this award went to Kassel:
The authors Lena Stubbemann and Prof. Robert Refflinghaus from the Department of Quality and Process Management at the University of Kassel and Prof. Thies Pfeiffer from the Chair of Human-Machine Interaction at the Emden Leer University of Applied Sciences were honored for their joint contribution "Eye-Tracking zur Kundenanforderungsvalidierung im Produktentwicklungsprozess - Auf dem Weg zur qualitätsoptimierten Customer-Co-Creation".
After the GQW Best Paper Awards in 2012 ("Interdisciplinary approach to predict and reduce human error probabilities in manual assembly"), 2015 ("Tolerance management in car body construction") and 2018 ("Investigation of variant-causing technical component requirements and evaluation of consequences in case of omission"), this was the fourth award for Kassel.