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Results presentation "Digital brainstorming for Sustainability Day".
Exchange about the sustainable development of the University of Kassel and presentation of the results of the digital brainstorming on sustainability:
Program schedule:
10:00 am Introductory words of the chancellor, Dr. Oliver Fromm
10:15 a.m. Presentation: Sustainability Management in the Company, Office for Environmental Profile Development and Ecology Department of the AStA of the University of Kassel
10:30 a.m. Presentation of results "Contributions to the digital brainstorming Sustainable University" and exchange on sustainable development at the University of Kassel
12:00 p.m. End of event
Please register for the face-to-face event at the Campus Center (HS 4), at, as there are only a limited number of seats available in the lecture hall. For those who prefer to log in via Panopto, the link is:
You can log in with your UniAccount and corresponding password.