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Science Night - first-hand knowledge

The current situation of the Covid 19 pandemic illustrates the need for scientific information and assessments for societal debates. Trust in science has increased, but it has also become apparent that scientific processes are not always comprehensible to the public. For more transparency and direct exchange with citizens*, Kassel scientists* are leaving the ivory tower to present their research at the first digital Science Night on November 17, 2020, starting at 6 pm.

This year's Science Night not only invites you to listen and watch, but also to participate. The free hands-on package brings experiments into the living room at home, and at Mozilla Hubs, citizens* and scientists* meet in virtual space. The variety of topics ranges from molecular mirror images and emotional online purchasing decisions to cooperative learning. In the Myth vs. Science duel, viewers are invited to guess along and members of the CoLab association explain how much (un)truth there is in some myths, while Science Bridge e.V. CRISPRs a unicorn.

Everyone who enjoys science and is interested in current research at the University of Kassel is cordially invited.

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