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Applications for the Deutschlandstipendium

 Apply for a Deutschlandstipendium by 29.11.2020!
The Deutschlandstipendium has been supporting high-achieving and talented students at the University of Kassel since 2011. The Deutschlandstipendium is based on a holistic understanding of the concept of achievement: thus, when selecting new scholarship recipients, the award committee considers not only outstanding performance in school and studies, but also social commitment. In addition, the scholarships are intended to help overcome biographical hurdles resulting, for example, from family background or an immigrant background. This year, we would particularly like to encourage students to apply who have been financially impaired due to the current pandemic situation or who have been set back in their studies, for example, by having to care for their own children.
Applications are still open until November 29, 2020. All students enrolled at the University of Kassel in the standard period of study are eligible to apply.
Applications are accepted online at:

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