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Building Blocks of a Smart City Munich: Review, Reflection and Outlook

Scientists, planners and designers from the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning once again invite you to the public online lecture series Fusion at weekly intervals.

This semester, the lectures will be held under the theme "Perspectives" , as the reform university of Kassel celebrates its 50th anniversary: Time for a balance and an outlook, also at the department. Newly appointed professors, guests and old companions will show examples of the contributions architecture, urban and landscape planning can make to a rapidly changing society.

Visiting Professor Korinna Thielen has been head of the Department of Urban Management since this semester and is Smart Cities Coordinator of the Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the City of Munich. In her lecture, she reports on the steps she has been taking since 2015 on the way to an increasingly "smart" city. She summarizes experiences from the Smarter Together pilot project, among others, and steps the city administration is taking to stabilize and scale promising pilot projects. New approaches and ways of working are emerging in many areas within the administration, for example with the development of a "digital twin", which point the way to integrated "smart city management".

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