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Energy-saving measures at the University of Kassel are self-financing

The "intracting" concept means financing energy-saving measures from within. A self-financing, continuous process is set in motion through one-off start-up funding. At the University of Kassel, CO2 emissions from buildings could be reduced by almost a third in this way, as a current research project shows.

In this research project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Department of Technical Building Services at the Department of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel investigated how the intracting principle, which has already proven itself in local authorities, can be implemented in universities. At the same time, intracting was introduced as a pilot project at the University of Kassel so that initial practical experience could be gained. On September 20, the research team led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Knissel presented the results at an online conference.

Intracting is a powerful instrument, as the research project shows: The start-up funding multiplies its volume by a factor of 20 to 40 within 15 years due to the self-reinforcement effect. This results in a profit for the university: after a start-up period, part of the energy costs saved is returned to the university budget. The other part is credited to an intracting cost center and reinvested in new energy-saving measures.

"With intracting, the many energy-saving measures at universities, some of which are very cost-effective, are implemented and climate protection is promoted," says Prof. Knissel. "In relation to the measures under consideration, energy consumption and thereforeCO2 emissions are reduced by 60 to 70 percent." The total heat and electricity consumption of the buildings at the University of Kassel would be reduced by around 30 percent. Intracting is therefore an important component on the way toCO2 neutrality.

In addition to the Department of Building Services Engineering, which was in charge of the research project, the departments of Building Physics, Solar and Systems Engineering, Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics as well as the Department of Construction, Technology and Real Estate at the University of Kassel were also involved. The HIS HE - Institut für Hochschulentwicklung (Hanover), the KEA Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg (Karlsruhe) and the IWU Institut Wohnen und Umwelt (Darmstadt) collaborated on a non-university basis.

The cdw-Stiftung gGmbH of SMA founders Günther Cramer, Peter Drews and Reiner Wettlaufer contributed to the activities by financing photovoltaic systems on buildings at the University of Kassel. This is because renewable energies can also be integrated into intracting and their expansion supported. In line with the intracting concept, the costs avoided by using PV electricity are reinvested in new PV systems or energy efficiency measures.

Jens Knissel and Marius Ehlert M. Sc. have now summarized the key steps and success factors for the introduction of intracting at a university in an action guide. Interested parties will find specific information on the necessary financial and personnel resources, framework conditions and repayment regulations. 


Download the guide and the presentation slides 

Jens Knissel, Marius Ehlert: Intracting at universities - continuous increase in energy efficiency, DOI: 10.17170/kobra-202109274813



Marius Ehlert  | M.Sc.
Phone: +49 561 804 7457
Email:  ehlert[at]


Press contact:

Dr. Andreas Gebhardt
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Phone: +49 561 804-1961
Email: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de