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Kick-off event for the online conference "Methodical approaches to interaction research in GFL"
There is a consensus in foreign language research on the central role of interaction for successful acquisition processes. Interactional competence(s) are - depending on the perspective - a prerequisite and goal of foreign and second language teaching geared towards participation; in any case, they form a core object of the teaching-learning process.
The kick-off event for the digital conference "Methodical approaches to interaction research in GFL" (November 5 and 6) will take place on October 22.
Program 22.10.:
15:00 Welcome and introduction
Interaction research in GFL, quo vadis?
Karin Aguado (Kassel) & Kathrin Siebold (Marburg)
15:30 Plenary lecture
Spotlight on mental action: On the triangulative added value of video-based remembering aloud
Karen Schramm (Vienna)
16:30 Launch of the conference platform
Florian Thaller (Marburg)
Kick-off event on 22 October
Online conference on 5 and 6 November 2021 to the program
further information and registration:
The organization team:
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Siebold, Dr. Simon Falk, Florian Thaller M.A. (Philipps University Marburg)
Prof. Dr. Karin Aguado (University of Kassel)
Olga Czyzak M.A. (Reitaku University, Kashiwa)