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Well prepared is half the battle - online application and preparation seminar for meet@uni-kassel

Meet application training

How should I best prepare for the face-to-face and online fairs? What should my application documents look like and what should I pay attention to when talking to the companies? How do I apply correctly in advance to the companies for interviews at meet@?

These and other questions on the subject of "Preparing and applying for meet@" will be answered in this online applicant training course.
Get to know the online platform and important tips & on how to apply. This will ensure that you as an applicant are well prepared and know how to make a good first impression on companies, whether online in interviews or in person at the career fair at the booth.

Lecturer: Birgit Klaus

This application training will help you prepare for our company contact fair meet, which will be held on 18.11. Registered participants will receive the access data for the training by mail before the event.


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