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INCHER Colloquium: Inbreeding and entrepreneurship in Dutch natural sciences (1815-1944)
Professor Dr. Koen Frenken (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands):
Using a comprehensive database of > 500 natural scientists who were trained or worked at Dutch universities in natural sciences between 1815-1944, I present empirical work on "academic inbreeding" and "institutional entrepreneurship". I will present an analysis of the effect of inbreeding on one's career using various individual success indicators showing that inbreeding did not have detrimental effects. I then present a second analysis of the growth of university departments and the role of entrepreneurial individuals in this process. I find that institutional entrepreneurs (those introducing new practices or funding sourcing) have had more excellent researchers (those rewarded Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry or similar prizes in other disciplines). Part of this work is based on joint work with Giovanna Capponi (Utrecht University).
The lectures are planned as hybrid events. On site attendance and Zoom participation only after prior registration ( You will receive dial-in information close to the time of the respective lectures.To participate in the on site events, please check the current corona regulations of the University of Kassel