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The world at a crossroads: consequences and effects of the Ukraine crisis
Russia's invasion of Ukraine already points to a profound change in our international order. An effective and internationally coordinated package of sanctions was quickly imposed against Russia that clearly exceeds previous standards. Germany changed the cornerstones of its foreign and security policy in a matter of days. Leading international powers are supplying weapons to the war zone. The energy security of broad sections of the population appears to be under threat, and everyone is talking about Europe's energy dependency on Russian gas imports. Germany and the European Union are looking for a new role - the war is forcing them into global politics.
What political, economic and social dangers and opportunities does the Ukraine crisis reveal for the international system of the future? What global change processes can already be identified and what challenges do we need to prepare for? What strategies must be adopted to meet these challenges? What role should and must Germany and the European Union play in a future world?
These questions are at the center of the current discussion. The University of Kassel, CELA and the project network therefore invite you to a digital panel discussion on Tuesday, 15.03.2022 at 18:00. The event will take place via Zoom and can also be followed live on YouTube.
Zoom link for registration:
Further information on the event, registration and panelists can be found at
Prof. Dr. Ute Clement (President of the University of Kassel)
Digital panel discussion:
Prof. Dr. Andrea Gawrich (Justus Liebig University Giessen)
Prof. Dr. Rachid Ouaissa (Philipps University Marburg)
Dr. Gustav Meibauer (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Moderation: Dr. Hannes Warnecke-Berger (, University of Kassel)