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In-service training for teachers: Innovative digital-based feedback methods
Giving learners feedback on their work or their level of performance as part of skills training is an indispensable part of teaching. However, the positive effects of elaborate and well-communicated feedback do not always materialize. This is where it pays off to break new ground in digitally-supported teaching. In this workshop, I will introduce you to six variants of digitally-supported feedback that have been tested in my teaching. Using a smartphone, screen recorder, audio recorder, app, e-pad, or interactive task, you can quickly create valuable, differentiated, and constructive feedback audios, videos, or assignments that can accompany or replace handwritten or verbal feedback. The reaction from my learners was clear - we'd love to have more digital-based feedback. Feedforward instead of feedback!
Direction: Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak (University of Kassel)
Lecturer: Verena Plomer (senior teacher, author, in-service trainer)
Registration is possible until 01.04.2022 via the website of the Center for Teacher Education: