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Welcome to the University of Kassel Prof. Dr. Helge Martens!

In the winter semester 2021/22, Dr. Helge Martens took over as Head of the Department of Didactics of Biology. His research focuses on dealing with pupils' ideas about evolution and education for sustainable development. He is investigating the conditions for success in supporting pupils, teacher-pupil interactions in biology lessons and the use of instructional videos in university teacher training. With the FLOX teaching and learning laboratory and the Dönche open-air laboratory, the department also maintains two extracurricular learning locations with offers for school classes. Prof. Martens studied biology and mathematics for secondary school teaching in Oldenburg and was awarded his doctorate in the DFG Research Training Group "Passungsverhältnisse schulischen Lernens" in Göttingen. After further positions as a teacher in Neu-Isenburg and junior professor in Münster, he was most recently Professor of Biology and its Didactics in Trier.