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Sustainability concept for operations and establishment of a Green Office adopted

With an operational "RE:Start" for the establishment of a Green Office and the adoption of a sustainability concept, the University of Kassel is building on many years of environmental profile development and existing structures for operational sustainability management. A comprehensive operational change process towards more sustainability and climate protection is now also to be achieved.
The sustainability concept, which explicitly addresses the sustainable development of university operations and the campus, completes the strategic development and profile building in the area of sustainability and transformation at the University of Kassel. It can be seen as a further building block for the sustainable development of the university, in order to include all areas of research, teaching, knowledge transfer and operations equally in the overall process. The concept encompasses campus development from a sustainability perspective and combines strategic management issues with operational implementation. It includes: Guidelines for improving environmental performance, an overview of the new organizational structure and steering measures to increase intra-university commitment in terms of a sustainable organizational culture.
In order to coordinate the university's operational sustainability process even better and make the relevant contact persons more visible, sustainability activities are bundled, managed and made transparent in a Green Office. A special feature of the Green Office is its participatory approach, which involves all university stakeholders and departments in the development process and relies on everyone's commitment. On the one hand, the new organizational and participation structures are intended to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, innovative solutions for campus life are to be found together with university members in a participatory process. Interested students and employees can get involved in sustainable campus development through a variety of participation formats and contribute to the sustainability process. For example, ideas workshops, an ideas platform and an ideas consultation hour are intended to encourage all university members to get involved and raise awareness for more sustainability, environmental and climate protection on campus.
Information and download: Go:Green - Concept
If you have any questions about the project, please contact
Nadine Chrubasik (Dipl.-Ing.)
Sustainability Manager
Integrated sustainability management in the company
Phone: +49 561 804-2519
E-Mail: chrubasik[at]uni-kassel.[dot]de
Head of Group VC - Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection
Representative for occupational safety, health, environmental protection and sustainability in the company (AGUN)
Phone: +49 561 804-3811
E-mail: moesbauer[at]uni-kassel[dot]de