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Conference e_valuate! Scope for Design & Value Conflicts in Sociodigital Evaluation Infrastructures

Anyone moving in the infrastructures of digital society is called upon in many ways to make evaluations and value judgments and is also subjected to evaluation himself. In doing so, users move in environments that are themselves designed according to certain value standards and, through data-based activity, permanently generate economically usable data that can be converted into information and contribute to the functioning of data-economic value creation. The design of the digital infrastructures of the social and their research have a fundamentally experimental and thus dynamic character. The variants in which the category of value appears in the context of sociodigital infrastructuring - as valuing and being valuated, as infrastructural inscription of values, as value creation, and as value testing - can be distinguished analytically. However, empirically they mostly appear in a convoluted form. Thus, the overarching research question arises about how the aforementioned value variants interact or work against each other in sociodigital infrastructures. And due to the growing curation power of digital platforms, not only the question of value conflicts articulated in different valuation practices, infrastructures or between data worlds arises, but also the political question of the scope for a public good-oriented design of valuation infrastructures in all four above-mentioned value dimensions. The conference aims to explore these questions in all of the above-mentioned dimensions of value.

Keynote Speaker:

* Nicole Zillien, Head of the Chair of Media Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Justus Liebig University Giessen.
* Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Professor for Sociology of Technology, Chair for Sociology of Technology, European New School of Digital Studies, Slubice, Poland / Frankfurt/Oder.
* Ulrich Dolata, Head of Professorship Sowi VI, Department of Sociology of Organization and Innovation, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Stuttgart.
* Marcus Burkhardt, Akademischer Rat im Medienwissenschaftlichen Seminar, Vertretungsprofessur "Digital Media and Methods", University of Siegen.
* Tatjana Seitz, Research Associate, SFB 1187 'Media of Cooperation', University of Siegen.

The conference is organized by the "Scientific Center for Information Technology Design" (ITeG), University of Kassel, in cooperation with the DGS section "Science and Technology Studies" (WuT) and the DFG network "On the Way to the Assessment Society?".

More information about the conference on the website:

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