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Practice Fair - Meeting and Exchange at the Institute of Social Work
The colorful marketplace between Café Desasta and Campus Center offers social institutions the opportunity to present their field of work to the interested public. This year, almost 40 exhibitors from the various fields of social work are taking part. In addition, the internship fair gives students the opportunity to find out about the wide range of internships available. The practice fair is also a place where practice representatives, teachers and students can meet and exchange ideas.
Participating institutions (selection):
Mädchenbus Nordhessen e.V.
AWO Jugendwohngruppe
Beratungsstelle Bewusste Elternschaft
Die Schattenspringer gGmbH
Jugend- und Familienberatung LK Kassel
Stadt Kassel
International Office
Emstaler Verein
Diakonisches Werk Kassel
Verein zur Förderung der Autonomie Behinderter e.V.
Freiwillig in Kassel
Sozialtherapie e.V.
Outlaw Kassel gGmbH
St. Elisabeth Verein Marburg
Respekt e.V.
Starthilfe Ausbildungsverbund
ZirkuTopia e.V.
Dr. Sabine Hoier
University of Kassel, BPS Officer, Institute of Social Work
Tel: 0561 804-2447
Mail: hoier[at]uni-kassel[dot]de