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Build Different - Conference on the Future of Building
In the 21st century, large parts of the architectural production industry are exposed to increasing demands for maximizing returns and the associated pressure on costs and efficiency. Social or low-cost housing construction is hardly profitable. Increasingly complex regulations put the brakes on innovation. Sustainability remains a lip service. The climate footprint of the construction industry is catastrophic.
These challenges are changing the framework conditions of architectural creativity; this concerns room sizes, spatial characteristics, the harmony of the building with its natural environment, but also the general question of the acceptance, communication and reception of an identity-creating effect of building culture.
"Building Differently" takes a holistic look at the future of building: circular economies, the call for the common good, dealing with the climate crisis, the emergence of new media and digitalization; domains that define architectural activity are redefining themselves. We will build differently. What do models of a different architectural production look like? And how can they be communicated?
Thursday, June 16, 10:00 - 17:00
Evening event from 18:00
Friday, June 17, 10:00 - 18:00
from 19:00 Evening event
Program and registration