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Kassel's questions to science in the spotlight
The focus is on questions about the future posed by citizens of Kassel. Director Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, Cordula Kleidt from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and representatives from the State Theater and the University of Kassel provide further insights into the project before the premiere.
How can our economy become more resilient to crises? Can we incorporate human needs more into the development of technology? How can we overcome inequalities between societies? These and other questions had been posed by citizens of Kassel in recent months in a total of three Future Dialogues organized in the spring by the University of Kassel, Scientists for Future Kassel and the Staatstheater Kassel. They are now being addressed both in the artistic production "Temple of Alternative Histories" at the Staatstheater and by researchers from the University of Kassel and Scientists for Future. The "Future Dialogues" project takes place as part of the Year of Science 2022 - In Demand!, a joint initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD).
Prior to the premiere, a project presentation will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the theater foyer. The artistic team, consisting of Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, Anna Rún Tryggvadottir and Cassandra Edelfsen Lasch, as well as Cordula Kleidt, Head of Division Science Communication at the BMBF, Intendant Florian Lutz and Beate Hentschel from the University of Kassel will talk about the genesis of the artistic work and about the chances of science and art working together to answer the social questions of our time. The production ends with an audience discussion, during which the Icelandic writer Andri SnærMagnason, author of the book "Water and Time: A History of Our Future," will also be in conversation with visitors.
The production will be on view at the Staatstheater Kassel until July 24. Parallel to this, numerous other events will be held to bring together art, science and the citizens of Kassel. In addition, a science slam will be offered in the opera foyer of the Staatstheater on September 18, which will also focus on a joint, interdisciplinary exchange about questions concerning the future.
What will ultimately happen with the questions posed by Kassel's citizens? They all flow into the so-called IdeenLauf, the central participatory action of the Year of Science 2022 - Inquired! The aim of the Ideas Run is to use the various impulses from the public to develop new ideas for science and research policy. In the form of a results paper, these will be handed over to policymakers and the scientific community in fall 2022 and then reviewed for concrete feasibility.
Note to the press: Members of the press are welcome to attend the premiere and the project presentation at 6:30 pm. If you are unable to attend the premiere, we will be happy to arrange interviews with all participants.
Science Year 2022 - Inquired!
The Year of Science 2022 - Inquired! invites all citizens to pose their own personal question for science and thus provide impulses for potential future fields and future research projects. After all, science and research permeate all areas of our lives. Whether it is the growing importance of algorithms in everyday life or the impact of our lifestyle on the global climate: Society is facing major challenges at the beginning of the 21st century. In order to master these together and actively shape our society, engaging with research findings and contributing our own perspectives are crucial.
The Science Years are an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) together with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD). For 22 years, they have supported the exchange between research and society as a central instrument of science communication.
Gianna Dalfuß
University of Kassel
E-mail: gianna.dalfuss[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Tel.: 0561 804 2427