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Panel discussion: "Talking about art. How art enters society"

Andreas Gardt discusses the role of language in the field of art and especially in social discourses on art exhibitions with guests from the fields of science, art, mediation and media. Speaking as guests:

Liliana Gómez (University of Kassel, Chair of Art and Society)
Susanne Hesse-Badibanga (Head of Education and Mediation documenta fifteen)
Kolja Reichert (art critic, author, journalist, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn)
Martin Schmidl (Rector of the Kunsthochschule Kassel)

The event is aimed at academics*, students and an interested public. Following the panel discussion, the talk will be open to the public.

Questions about the event to: tamara.bodden[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

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